Heating: how to reduce harmful emissions?

ariston | modified: 20 May 2022

When “greenhouse effect” is mentioned, people often think of the environmental policies of governments more or less serious about eco issues and macro-measures implemented to reduce harmful emissions to the atmosphere. What we often forget though is that each of us, in our own small way, can help combat this phenomenon with simple yet effective actions. Starting with tighter control of our heating and cooling systems, which are responsible for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions.

1. Check the energy efficiency of the heating system
If our boiler is over 10 years old, it might be worthwhile replacing it with a new and more efficient model. Modern boilers are designed to deliver very high yields with lower consumption of energy than in the past. Ariston’s condensing boilers, for example, can reduce energy consumption by up to 35% and harmful emissions by up to 75% compared to traditional models.

2. Adjust the thermostat
We should avoid leaving the temperature in the home the same all year round. So in winter we set the thermostat to a maximum of 20° C, and in summer we shouldn’t set it below 26° C.

3. Heat (or cool) only the rooms we use
If our home has independent central heating, it might be a good idea to close the radiator valves in rooms we don’t use. Similarly, if we go away for a prolonged period, we should remember to switch the heating system off, thus avoiding pointless harmful gas emissions to the atmosphere.

4. Limit hot water consumption
When possible, we should shower rather than take a bath, thus limiting hot water consumption, and set the water temperature 50° C.

5. Ensure good insulation
To improve the energy efficiency of our home and reduce harmful emissions it’s important to make sure effective insulation is in place, including insulated glazing units and lagging in walls and under the roof.

6. Seal gaps
People often turn up the temperature of their central heating because cold draughts are entering around doors and windows. A highly useful move would therefore be to find and seal any gaps, which will also reduce loss of heat from the interior to the exterior of the home.

Click here to find the Ariston solution that most effectively helps you reduce harmful emissions at home.