#StayHome: Helping Stop the Spread of COVID-19

Gardewa Santana | modified: May 24, 2023

The phrase that has been heard more than anything else during the pandemic is #DirumahAja, which encourages everyone to follow the guidelines implemented by the national and local governments to control the spread. We see this expression on social media and in newspaper articles, hear it repeated in news broadcasts, and in videos created by musicians and other celebrities. What is known as social distancing is the primary weapon against COVID-19. Let's take a closer look at this.

How does COVID-19 spread?
Knowing how COVID-19 spreads is the first step to avoiding its transmission. It is important to understand that the main risk comes from close contact with an infected person. The coronavirus is transmitted through respiratory droplets released during breathing, particularly through coughing and sneezing. Pay attention to unwashed hands as well: if you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching surfaces where the virus is present, the risk of infection is very high.

How to protect yourself from the coronavirus?
Although it is important to understand it, it is also important to know how to protect yourself from the coronavirus to minimize the risk of transmission. The Ministry of Health has issued several basic guidelines.
• Regularly wash your hands. Hand hygiene is a key tool in protecting yourself from all viruses, including COVID-19. Simply wash your hands with soap for at least 60 seconds or use a special hand sanitizer gel. This process should always be repeated before touching your face, mouth, nose, and eyes, as well as before eating, after visiting public places, or touching surfaces outside your home.
• Avoid contact with people who show symptoms of fever.
• Avoid shaking hands and hugging, respect social distancing of at least one meter between people around you.
• Use protective equipment such as masks and gloves when leaving the house.

Preventing the spread of the coronavirus
This is the key question. How can we prevent the spread of the coronavirus? According to national and local government guidelines, the most important thing is to #StayHome as much as possible, limit gatherings and social contacts to the minimum. Small sacrifices for a much greater good, limiting the spread of the virus.

Ariston: our commitment to ensuring the safety of our employees and customers
At Ariston, we understand how challenging this situation is and we are working diligently to ensure the safety of our employees and customers by taking all necessary measures. For more information on how Ariston's technical assistance has changed during the COVID-19 outbreak or to request maintenance or repair for any of our products, please contact our customer service hotline at 1500-986.