Wajib Tahu: 10 Cara Menghemat Listrik Agar Tagihan Tidak Membengkak

Gardewa Santana | modified: 25 Mei 2023

Monthly electricity bills often come as a surprise to some people, even though they have been trying to save. When the bills become inflated, it can put a strain on the budget or financial plans, as a larger portion needs to be allocated for paying the higher electricity bills.

Effective energy-saving efforts can actually start with small changes at home. Many people are unaware that they have been using various electronic devices inefficiently. Therefore, it is worth re-evaluating all aspects related to electricity usage at home. This article will discuss ways to save electricity and prevent monthly bills from becoming inflated.

What are some good and proper ways to save electricity? Let's discuss and start solving your monthly bill issue!

1. Controlling lights can save electricity up to 60 percent

The use of lighting is one of the significant sources of energy waste in households. People often overlook the usage of lights because they think the wattage is not significant. However, if this wastefulness continues over time, the cumulative impact can be substantial.

LED lights usually have specific light output levels. An electrical expert suggests a formula of 1 watt of LED lighting per square meter of room. So, for a bedroom with a size of 3x3 meters, which is 9 square meters, the required electricity would be around 9-10 watts. That should provide sufficient brightness.

For the kitchen, you can use a 5-watt lamp, for the bathroom a 3-watt lamp, for the living room 2x10 watts, and for the porch a 5-watt lamp. By the way, the electrical expert recommends choosing LED light brands with good credibility rather than buying cheap ones that have shorter durability.

2. Unplugging the Rice Cooker

The rice cooker has become one of the electronic appliances that greatly assist in daily activities as we can cook and warm rice more easily and quickly. However, it turns out that the rice cooker can also contribute to a high electricity bill. A rice cooker that is continuously turned on consumes a significant amount of electricity.

For rice cooking, it is recommended to use a rice thermos instead. If you want to consume warm rice, steam it briefly just before mealtime. The same goes for water dispensers, only plug them into the power outlet when you want to use them.

3. Set the Iron Temperature Properly

To properly iron your clothes and remove wrinkles, you need an iron to smooth and tidy them. Improperly setting the iron temperature can consume a significant amount of power. This applies to both excessively high and low iron temperatures. Electric irons, for example, can consume around 300 watts of power. To save energy when using an iron, it is important to adjust the iron temperature according to the fabric being ironed to effectively remove wrinkles and conserve electricity.

4. Setting the AC temperature below 22 degrees Celsius

Many people immediately set the AC temperature to 16 - 18 degrees Celsius. This is done to quickly cool down the room, especially when the weather outside is very hot. However, this is a method that should be avoided! Here's how to save on electricity bills even when using AC: Set the AC temperature to 22 degrees Celsius. Why? Generally, room temperature in Indonesia is around 22 degrees Celsius. Adjusting the temperature to this level will make the AC unit work more efficiently. When the AC is used at an improper temperature, the unit will work harder, resulting in higher monthly electricity bills.

5. Replacing an old refrigerator that consumes a lot of electricity

As a cooling appliance, the power consumption of a refrigerator is not usually significant. However, choosing the wrong refrigerator can cause the electricity supply in our homes to be insufficient for the refrigerator's energy needs. A single-door refrigerator typically requires around 50 to 80 watts of electricity, while a double-door refrigerator consumes about 100 to 120 watts.

Energy wastage also occurs if you misuse your refrigerator. Around 7 percent of energy is wasted if the refrigerator is frequently opened and closed or left open for too long. Older refrigerators that are over 10 years old also tend to be more energy inefficient. Their power consumption can be up to 75 percent higher compared to when they were new.

6. Installing an Automatic Switch on Water Pump

Does the water pump in your house also have an automatic switch installed, so you don't have to bother turning the electricity on and off manually? It's indeed convenient and hassle-free. But did you know that this system actually makes the electricity usage inefficient?

The solution to this problem is to install a water tank or profile tank with a radar sensor. The water tank allows the pump to operate less frequently as the float switch can be adjusted according to the water needs and the water stock to be stored.

7. Replacing Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TV with LCD

Replace CRT TV with LED TV, which is much more energy-efficient. Compared to CRT TVs, LED TVs can save up to 50 percent of power consumption due to their lower usage of backlighting. LED TVs are also around 20 to 30 percent more energy-efficient. However, it's worth noting that LED TVs may have a slightly higher price compared to LCD TVs.

Another tip is to avoid leaving the TV on while sleeping. Before going to bed, it's best to always remember to turn off the television, switch off the lights, and unplug various electronic cables.

8.Consider switching to a laptop.

If you are still using an old desktop computer, you can try switching to a laptop. Just to give you an idea, a desktop computer can consume up to 400 watts of electricity, while a laptop only requires around 25 watts.

Nowadays, there are many laptop brands available at affordable prices. You can consider brands that offer features like automatic charging cutoff. This system helps protect your laptop battery from quickly deteriorating even if the laptop is connected to electricity for extended periods of time.

9. Unplug the electrical plug when you're done using it.

Any electronic device plugged into an electrical outlet will continue to consume electricity. Just imagine, various chargers and other plugs are still plugged in when we're not using them, it's definitely wasteful, right? As a result, our monthly bill increases and we have to dig deep into our pockets to pay the bill. So, try unplugging chargers or other plugs that are still connected to the power source when we're not using them.

10. Using an energy-efficient water heater

Water heaters are commonly found in Indonesian society. Despite the hot climate in Indonesia, taking a warm shower is a necessity for some people. By choosing an energy-efficient water heater, we are being wise in reducing electricity consumption. Products like Ariston water heaters are equipped with systems and components that allow for low power consumption.

There are many energy-efficient water heater options from Ariston that are suitable for residential users, such as tank water heaters with capacities starting from 10 liters. The electricity consumption of tank water heaters from Ariston only requires power starting from 200 watts.

One way to save electricity on a water heater is by reducing the temperature of the heated water. The higher the water temperature, the more electricity is needed to heat it. Therefore, try lowering the water temperature to around 120 degrees Fahrenheit or about 50 degrees Celsius. Additionally, you can also install insulation on the pipes that carry hot water to keep the water hot for a longer period of time without the need for additional electricity."

Absolutely! Small habits can make a big difference in reducing your electricity bill. By being mindful of our daily energy usage and implementing energy-saving practices, we can effectively lower our electricity expenses. Let's start making conscious choices and adopting energy-efficient habits to ensure that our electricity bills remain affordable. Together, we can contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective energy consumption.