Rasakan Manfaat Mandi Air Hangat Untuk Tubuh dan Pikiran Setelah Beraktivitas

Gardewa Santana | modified: 6 Desember 2021

Bathing has become a routine activity for everyone, including you and your family especially after a full day outside. In addition to keeping the body clean, taking bath also has a variety of other positive benefits.

The fact above is not discovered in modern times but since a long time ago has been practiced by the Japanese people in the past. The term Sento is a hot spring used to cleanse the body and mind. Now society has adapted it to be able to enjoy it at home, like you and your family.

Have you felt the joy and pleasure of taking bath using hot water? Here we list you 8 benefits of a warm bath that you and your family can enjoy.

Bathing Improves Mood

A warm bath can soothe your sense, and the surge of freshness makes your mind and body calm. This is because your skin releases endorphins which have a euphoric effect.


Bathing using warm water is excellent for your skin, especially when combined with essential oils. Among the best ones are coconut oil, olive, lavender, and oatmeal that can help maintain skin moisture. In addition, you will also experience refreshing aromatherapy that helps regulate your mood and reduce stress.

Equivalent to 30 Minutes of Exercise

Soaking in hot water for an hour can burn about 140 calories, which is the same as when you walk for 30 minutes. The warm water will make your heart beat faster, but it is still in the normal range. Although that doesn't mean you should stop exercising. You should routinely do these two activities every day.

Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease

Regular warm baths can improve blood circulation, reduce blood pressure, and help blood vessels work better. These positive effects help prevent a heart attack and stroke.

Relieving Muscle Aches and Pains

Muscle aches and pains are normal reactions after exercising. You can alleviate discomfort, aches, and pains by soaking in a hot tub that can help relax your muscles.

Boosting Your Immunity and Blood Circulation

Warm temperature can improve blood circulation so that it can relieve sore muscles. In other words, a hot bath can kill bacteria and boost your immunity. For example, it helps fend off the symptoms that come with the flu.

Increasing Immune System

Hot showers can alleviate headaches and migraines because warm water helps reduce the pressure that causes pain.

Creating a Better Quality Sleep

A warm bath before bed can result in good quality sleep because the warmth helps you relax. Another reason is the drop in temperature leads to better sleep. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a warm shower within 1-2 hours before bedtime. 

Those are the facts you can benefit from a warm bath. And now is the time for you to fulfill your needs by choosing a quality electric water heater from the world-class brand ARISTON.